“Tonus-Les” LLC, considering the key consumer safety and satisfaction, always follows and implements the best international experience. Proof of the latter is the quality management system implementation in accordance with the requirements of the international standard ISO 9001:2015, as well as the organization of good manufacturing (GMP) and good distribution (GDP) practices of drugs in accordance with international standards for specific processes.
The company is going to pass the certification in accordance with the requirements of ISO 9001: 2015 standard.

Good Manufacturing Practice (GMP)

Starting from 2018, "Tonus-Les" company is certified by the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Armenia as a GMP-compliance manufacturer for secondary packaging and batch release.

Good Distribution Practice (GDP)

In 2019, “Tonus-Les” company expanded its storage capacity for medicines by constructing and upgrading storage facilities in accordance with the international GDP requirements. The new warehouses make it possible to store imported, manufactured and supplied pharmaceutical products at warehouses, those are fully compliant in both capacity and technical terms. There are three separate temperature zones provided by the alarm system: 2-8°C, 8-15°C and up to 25°C, in accordance with the storage conditions defined for each pharmaceutical product. The company was one of the first in the Republic of Armenia successfully passed the process of licensing of wholesale distributors of medicines. From 2024, company has been  certified  by the RA Ministry of Health as GDP distributor of medicines.